Showing posts with label nfty trading tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nfty trading tips. Show all posts

Monday 21 April 2014


In options trading, when you find a strategy that works or a particular stock that is doing well for you, it is easy to want to jump right in with both feet and everything that you have.  Doing this however, can result in major option trading losses and you need to be really careful if you are thinking about doing this. Seasoned options traders know that you never put everything you have into any one option. Diversity is the key to reducing your risk when trading and giving you a better chance to make a profit rather than large losses. Because option trading can be quite volatile, you never want to put too much into one area because things can change incredibly quickly so that something which might have been trending favorably for quite some time, can suddenly take a dive and if you are not watching, you run the risk of losing everything that you have....